International musicological symposium

18. April 2016
9.00 - 17.00
Knight's Hall, Križanke
Open to the public

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Note: This information pertains to a past event. For the most up-to-date information, please check our calendar.

At 9.00 am

Music migrations in the early modern age: the meeting of the European East, West and South (project HERA: Music migrations)

Chairman: Vjera Katalinić

Katarina Trček (Ljubljana): Glasbene migracije na Slovenskem v 17. in 18. stoletju / Musical migrations in 17th and 18th century Slovenian lands

Metoda Kokole (Ljubljana): Kavalirsko potovanje v Italijo – eden od povzročiteljev evropskih glasbenih migracij v 18. stoletju / Gentlemen’s trips to Italy – one of the causes of European musical migrations in the 18th century

Nataša Cigoj Krstulović (Ljubljana): Gostovanje gledališke družbe Emanuela Schikanedra v Ljubljani / Emanuel Schikaneder’s theatre troupe’s stay in Ljubljana


At 10.30 am

Music migrations in the early modern age: the meeting of the European East, West and South (project HERA: Music migrations)

Chairman: Metoda Kokole

Vjera Katalinić (Zagreb): Music Migrations in the 17th and 18th Centuries: Croatian Lands between Central Europe and the Mediterranean / Glasbene migracije v 17. in 18. stoletju: hrvaške dežele med Srednjo Evropo in Sredozemljem

Gesa zur Nieden (Mainz): Fortuna. Das Musikleben der Exulantenstadt Glückstadt im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert / Fortuna. Glasbeno življenje zatočiščnega mesta Glückstadt v 17. in 18. stoletju / Fortuna. The musical life of the “haven-city” of Glückstadt in the 17th and 18th centuries

Berthold Over (Mainz): “Voyage à Paris”. Christian IV. von Zweibrücken zwischen Akkulturation und Kulturtransfer / “Voyage à Paris”. Christian IV. von Zweibrücken med akulturacijo in prenosom kulture / “Voyage à Paris”. Christian IV of Zweibrücken between acculturation and cultural transfer


At 2.00 pm

Chairman: Jernej Weiss

Lubomír Spurný (Brno): Music and Migration: Contribution to the History of Czech Modern Music (1870˗1945) / Glasba in migracije: prispevek k zgodovini češke moderne glasbe (1870–1945)

Lana Paćuka (Sarajevo): From “baggage culture” to universally accepted cultural commitment: the case of the musical life of Austro-Hungarian Sarajevo / Od “prtljažne kulture” do splošno sprejete kulturne obveze: primer glasbenega življenja v avstro-ogrskem Sarajevu

Fatima Hadžić (Sarajevo): The Musical Migration: Czech Musicians in Sarajevo / Glasbena migracija: češki glasbeniki v Sarajevu


At 3.30 pm

Chairman: Lubomír Spurný

Jernej Weiss (Ljubljana–Maribor): “Bankirji, zdravniki, učitelji, duhovniki, glasbeniki, vsi Čehi, ljubezniva gospoda, ki nas bratski ljubi” / “Bankers, medical doctors, teachers, priests, musicians, all Czechs, kind gentlefolk who show us brotherly love”

Irena Gantar Godina (Ljubljana): Jan Lego, utemeljitelj slovensko-češkega sodelovanja / Jan Lego, the father of Slovene-Czech cooperation

Maruša Zupančič (Ljubljana): Migracije praških violinistov po Evropi med letoma 1811 in 1919 / The migrations of Czech violinists throughout Europe between 1811 and 1919


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